Wednesday 31 October 2012

Design for Web// Design Sheets

Based on your research into 'A brief history of....' design a multi-page website that effectively informs a user about the interesting and informative facts, figures, observations and visual content that you have discovered. In selecting, organising and presenting your source material, you should consider the following: 
  • What are you trying to communicate? An idea, a concept, a message a lifestyle......?
  • Who are you trying to communicate to? Why and what do you want to achieve?
  • How will you use the creative potential of interactive technology to effectively deliver your content?
  • what is the most appropriate/effective form of content? Text, Image, Facts, Statistics etc.?
  • What is already out there and how can you adapt, modify, reuse or respond to it?
The relationship between your content and design deceisions should inform the tone of voice. Do you require humour, sophistication, authority, clarity or ....?
You will need to demonstrate an awareness and understanding of the relevant industry standard requirements of designing for web based delivery. 
Theses will include:
  • Web standard fonts, image formats, websafe colours etc.
  • Drafting interfaces, layouts and storyboards.
  • Creating images and layouts for web formats.
  • Engaging and user-friendly interface design.
  • Usability and navigation conventions.
  • Content management of both files and page elements.
  • Designing for an online audience
  • Costings and hosting fees.
  • Managing website creation briefs.
Background & Considerations

Balancing the effective delivery of (or access to) content online content with the bility to deliver information in a visually engaging/appropriate is essential to succesful web design. It is the job of a designer to manage this balancing act by considering the informed use of design principles in the technically demanding  (and at times restrictive) area of screen based interactive technologies.

You will need to explore the relationship between creative possibilities and the functional demands of the end user. How do you work creatively within the conventions, limitations and restrictions of designing for access via the web?

Consider the various functions of websites and how this will affect the visual reresentation of your selected conent. You should take into account the range of possible roles that graphic design plays in web based distribution. These include

  • The utilitarian function of containing, organisinng, accessing and distributing information or products
  • The marketing of the product as part of a multi-media age of access and distribution.
  • The sales function and brand manifestation of conent, information or product at the point of delivery or interaction.
  • Product identification and differentiation in amongst a visually competitive culture.
  • A reflection of lifestyle,trends and behavioral patterns of consumers.
  • Opportunities for adding value and stepping beyond the functional.
You should consider, recognise and reference existing modes, forms and formats of web based and interactive delivery where necessary.

I firstly did some notes to get my mind in the right place, The one thing I discovered is I need to change the colours of my summer project as that was the number one thing that was mentioned in the crit. My colours need to be a darker red and darker blue. Not baby blue and pink! I still don't know why I went with those colours. However, this is something I need to talk to a tutor to as my Indesign file is very un organised and I am finding it very hard to customise!

My home pages drawings I am quite happy with, I still need to think about what will be in on my home page in terms links. ABOUT, RESULTS, TAKE PART etc. I like the idea of making a 'take part' page. People can answer the 2013 survey, so every year the stereotype would change. My favourite  drawing is the first example, I feel it works perfectly as a home page. Simple but creative. 

These examples above are the 2012 results. The results that are in my book. I like the idea above. The pictograms for each country will fill the page and which ever country you want to look at you simply click the pictogram and it will send you to the results. From these design sheets I have got a really good idea of where I want to go with my website, however, I know its going to be very hard to make a website! Its going to be hard to learn but it will defiantly be a skill worth having. I come away from these design sheets worrying about the colour of my summer project. They just aren't right and need to change them but I am really struggling with this. I guess I will have to spend I while trying to correct what is wrong. In all I am pleased with my drawings, I feel they give a good image of what my website will eventually look like. 

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