Tuesday 29 November 2011

Principles- Photography

For our first task we had to go out on groups of three and individually photography
  CIRCLES. Once completed we put the pictures onto a contact sheet and from then chose 5 favourite which, to you, represented a circle the most. The final plan was to then decide what you pictures has in them. Pattern? Repetition? etc. I decided to go with DEPTH OF FIELD and for MARCH  we have to produce a small booklet related to out chosen word!

Monday 28 November 2011

HOW TO: Look after you shirt.

We have now been put into groups

We decdied to go with either-
-How to look after your shirt.
-How to make the most out of your shirt.
-& How to preserve you shirt.

Our idea is either there to INFORM or EDUCATE. We like the idea of creating a tag to go on the shirt or a small booklet that will inform and educate people in how to look after their shirt properly against stains etc and how to keep it looking nice!

Our audience is most people. Someone who is recently employed or a young business man. We gathered that elderly business men probably know how to look after their shirt.

In my group I have

-Jack Fower

-Andy Foster

-Josh Douglas 

Natile Dyson

Wednesday 23 November 2011

HOW TO// increase the memory of a Mac Application

The idea of this project is so find Primary and Secondary reference but what makes this project different is we can't USE IMAGERY.


Now with the project the first thing I did was type 'How to Increase the memory of a mac application' in to Google search and quite obviously the first thing that came up was the Apple Website, I scrolled down and came across this link- http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=61528

Application Memory 
'...you can increase the available memory allocated to a Classic application by selecting the application in the Mac OS X Finder and choosing Get Info (10.2) or Show Info (10.0 to 10.1.5) from the File menu. This will display an info window that has a disclosure triangle labeled Memory. Click on the disclosure triangle to reveal and modify the memory settings for the application. Some applications report that they require more memory when opened in Classic, than when they are used with Mac OS 9. Increasing the memory settings for the application as described here will allow those applications to be open in Classic. You can view the memory usage for open Classic applications with Classic System Preferences....'

Classic System Preferences 
'...classic System Preferences provides a tab labeled Memory/Versions and when selected displays information about the Classic environment similar to what is displayed by Mac OS 9 when you choose About this Macintosh from the Apple menu. A scrolling list of active Classic applications and their memory usage is displayed, and a checkbox controls whether background only applications will appear in this list. This tab also displays information about the installed versions of the Classic environment....'
Temporary Memory
'...in Mac OS 9, application memory uses the same memory area as temporary memory. Because some applications use a large part of temporary memory, Classic does not use all of its 1024 MB of virtual memory as temporary memory. Instead, when you start Classic, it creates a temporary memory area. The maximum size of temporary memory is currently limited to somewhat less than 128 MB, or even less on computers with less than 128 MB of physical memory (RAM)....'

Already this pretty much answers my question. What I could now is get first hand research which happens to be primary research. This quote above is from the mac website is secondary research. 

Heres some really good information .

'...If you work with large documents, you may see a message complaining about insufficient memory (RAM). A document might not even open, or a program might run very slowly. You can assign more RAM to the application to see if that helps....

1)Single-click the icon for the application to which you want to allocate more memory. Be sure to exit the application first.

    • 2)From the File menu choose Get Info, or press the keys Command-I.
    • 3)In OS 8.5 and later versions, select Memory from the Show menu in the box that appears.
    • 4)Type a new value into the Preferred Size box, perhaps 1.5 or 2 times the suggested size shown. You can decrease the memory in the same way.

http://www.ehow.com/how_5726_increase-memory-macintosh.html - I think in CONCLUSION the best way to do it is to go on the mac store and update you apps like that. Or go to the mac store and buy programs like Mac OS-Snow Leopard

    Click the close box. Your change will take effect the next time you launch the application....' 

    Here is a time line from when I first went to school in 1995 to now at Universtity (2011)
    I had to mark in symbol form the following.

    The KEY

    My facts all led to the same answer, hence why there are so many 100 %!!



      Friday 18 November 2011

      End of Module Self-Evaluation

      1) What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

      - During this module I have learned so much new skills and after viewing my work i feel you can see the progression. Not only have I developed new and useful skills but i feel the course in general is making me into a more confident and dedicated student.

      2) What approaches to/ method of idea generation have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

      - After a briefing the first thing I would do would be to produce an in-depth brain storm to get what ever ideas i had on paper and out there so I could visually see these ideas and reflect on them. When an idea was discovered I enjoy looking at favorite designers or random blogs to find work that will inspire me and take in a direction or look. These things inform my design development process,

      3) What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/ will you capitalize on these? 

      -I feel that my ability to piece together the brief was a look in my design thats conventional and works. As long as a keep answering the brief in this correct way my work will get stronger and i will capitalize and take advantage of this strength.

      4) What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?

      My main problems lie in work off the computer. I have a habbit of running straight into a project with out expressing and developing rough ideas on paper first. This of course is very important as thoughts that you have in you head become a lot clearer when written down. In the future I will commit myself to working rough first before using the computer.

      I also have problems with spelling/ grammer and general typing, I have this annoying habbit of missing out words when typing and even though I have looked through my blog, I know there still will be many mistakes. I have booked a dyslexia test in January and if I am tested positive I'm sure they will help me on a weekly bases.

      5) Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from these things? 

      1) Produce more worksheets that show evidence of development (this module I have been much to involved with the computer) 

      2) Produce more work that us outside what is expected ( some people in the course are producing work that isn't expected and this is a great way of learning and improving strengths) 

      3) Regularly read the brief! In the illustrator workshop brief it mentions to produce a alphabet with ONE COLOUR. I didn't because I failed to read the brief properly. 

      -I can't think of anything else but these 3 points I feel are very important and I know during the next module they will be at the back of my head. 

      6) How would you grade your self on the following areas:

      5= excellent, 4= very good, 3= good, 4= average, 1=poor 

      ATTENDANCE =                                               5
      PUNCTUALITY=                                              4
      MOTIVATION=                                                5
      COMMITMENT=                                            4
      QUALITY OF WORK PRODUCED =          4

      Tuesday 15 November 2011

      Colour Theory- Practical Investigation of Colour

      Complimentary colours and Extension of colour. How colours appear when placed next to other colours.

      Photos taken from the seminar investigation into varying contrasts.

      This was all the Violets that our group gathered together, the next thing was to organize them from light to dark to that they mixed into blue (left) and red (right). The task was to organize the whole from into a Colour Wheel

      This is what it looked like when the whole room had organized the colours

      Wikipedia - "The Pantone Colour Matching System is largely a standardized colour reproduction system. By standardizing the colors, different manufacturers in different locations can all refer to the Pantone system to make sure colours match without direct contact with one anotherwikipedia.org/wiki/Pantone

      Bottom left is SHADE. bottom right is HUE and top is TINT
      By using a PANTONE colour guide we where able to sort each colour and give the colour their own COLOUR CODE.
      Here is a Pantone Colour Guide.