Tuesday 15 November 2011

Colour Theory- Practical Investigation of Colour

Complimentary colours and Extension of colour. How colours appear when placed next to other colours.

Photos taken from the seminar investigation into varying contrasts.

This was all the Violets that our group gathered together, the next thing was to organize them from light to dark to that they mixed into blue (left) and red (right). The task was to organize the whole from into a Colour Wheel

This is what it looked like when the whole room had organized the colours

Wikipedia - "The Pantone Colour Matching System is largely a standardized colour reproduction system. By standardizing the colors, different manufacturers in different locations can all refer to the Pantone system to make sure colours match without direct contact with one anotherwikipedia.org/wiki/Pantone

Bottom left is SHADE. bottom right is HUE and top is TINT
By using a PANTONE colour guide we where able to sort each colour and give the colour their own COLOUR CODE.
Here is a Pantone Colour Guide.