Thursday 12 January 2012


I am first going to CATEGORISE my facts into my top best 10 facts out of the 100 I found. This will purely be based on which ones I found most interesting and powerful. These could come really useful later.

1) There are more people in slavery now than at any other time in human history.

According to research carried out by the organization Free the Slaves, more people are enslaved worldwide than ever before.
In its 400 years, the transatlantic slave trade is estimated to have shipped up to 12 million Africans to various colonies in the West. Free the Slaves estimates that the number of people in slavery today is at least 27 million.
The National Underground Railroad Freedom Center suggests that three out of four slavery victims are women and that half of all modern-day slaves are children. ‘Countless other’ people are in other forms of servitude which are not legally classified as slavery, according to the Anti-Slavery Society, described ambiguously by some as ‘unfree labour’.

2)  Human trafficking has recently been described as “the fastest growing criminal enterprise in the world.

-This shocking claim was made by former Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright. The UN estimates trafficked human cargo generates around $7 billion dollars a year.

3) Journalists also found 12 year-old children sleeping two to three in a bed in dorms and working 15 hours a day for $10 per month.

4) U.S. capitalists and consumers as well turn a blind eye to the human suffering and abuse involved in producing the under-market cheap goods flooding the American retail market from China.

5) The International Labor Organization (ILO) has estimated that of the 250 million children between the ages of five and fourteen work in developing countries

6) The least known method of slavery is the most widely used.

-Bonded Labor occurs when labor is demanded in order to repay a debt or loan and the cyclical nature of debt and work can enslave the person for the rest of their life. Some conditions are so controlled that slaves are surrounded by armed guards while they work, many of whom are slaves themselves. This has been found in Brazil. It is estimated that there are 20 million bonded labourers in the world. 

7) Free the Slaves believe it is possible to end all slavery within 25 years.

Ending slavery won’t be easy, but humanity is up to the challenge.
8) With a workforce of about 284,000 child slaves, many of which were tricked into working on these cocoa farms, the pro-active lawsuits against such companies were much needed.

9) The Chinese Ministry of Labor admitted that the child labor situation was very serious throughout the country.

10) 61 percent are in Asia.

- a whole 61% of slaves are situated just in Asia.

10 WORDS - 10 Chosen from my 100 additional words 

- CHILDREN- LINKS WITH FACTS? How many children are involved in slave labour today. 
- CRUELTY- How are Children being treated who are involved with child labour. 
- FACTORY- Working conditions 
- MONEY - How much money are companies making from their hidden slavery? 
- INVESTIGATORS- Is there anybody well known for investigation such a field? 
- ASIA- Said to have the highest amount of children working in slavery today.
- COMPANIES- Who is involved? Gap? 
- EXPANDING- Is the Slave trade increasing or decreasing? 
- CLOTHES- How man children are said to be working in the clothing industry?
- AREAS- What areas of work are children involved in? What areas of the world are children?


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