Wednesday 22 February 2012

The Poster Brief// Card Cutouts

I have decided that this works too well to try using type made from card. I was worried that the text on the computer would be to obvious. By that I mean it wouldn't suit the card background but its a relief to know that no harm has been done. I just need to re think the colours of the letters and then make raindrops, then rescan. I should start thinking about idea two. I was thinking to use the could again on a big scale. For the third poster I am going to go back an use card. I really enjoyed that process. I did prove quite difficult but I had fun playing around. I am also in to the simplicity of the poster. It doesn't even need anything else added. That would probably make it too busy.

I went to the print rooms to get this scanned and and I am happy with the outcome. The only problem is I forgot to add rain drops which are going to go underneath the cloud. The plan now is to add text and of course to do the other two posters. I am firstly going to play around with text on the computor and then play around with text on card. I only spent 10 minutes with type on card but it proved difficult so I took a step back and scanned the poster in early.

Here is the poster laid out but not stuck down. I used spray mount to stick everything together.

Poster all stuck down and ready to scan in. The hardest bit to do was the rainbow as I was trying to perfectly cut 4 individual pieces of card and then put them together. I decided to stop wasting time trying to do this and simply make one on Illustrator and then print it off.