Saturday 4 February 2012

100 THINGS// Final Designs

To conclude I can't find anything wrong with my work apart from a smudge that must have happened during printing on my human trafficking poster. Apart from that small error, I am satisfied with the work I have produced and pleased with legibility when printed. The main 4 posters are such a perfect size and personally I find them easy to understand. In terms of typos I can't find anything! Which is usually the case as its other people that kindly find them for me. However I am pretty sure that I am in the clear with this one. 

The night before printing I went over the work with my brother just to make sure everything was spelt right and it turned out most of the numbers didn't make sense so that was very close. It was a horrible panic as I don't have CS at home and couldn't get it corrected straight away. I came in early the next day and corrected everything just in time for my print slot with James. 

This Module of 405 has been so much more intense and hard compared to 403 and its safe to say I have learnt a lot. One being not getting to comfortable when you know you are under pressure to get work down. For example during the Christmas holidays I stupidly didn't work to my full potential and that back fired when I came back. It almost seems like a long blur the past 3-4 weeks and I haven't felt this tired in a long time! I mustn't feel sorry for myself or think I deserve along break as I am fully aware that the course is only going to get much harder, I say harder but in many ways I can change harder to more exciting as time goes on.