Friday 14 October 2011

Zombie Type// ROUND 2 of 5 Letters Of Each

Here is the 2nd week of our Typography project. During the holiday project were asked to find reference of each letter, 20 of each to be exact. When we turned up to college I didn't think we need to use them but we were told to pick 5 letters, lower and upper case so in total 10 letter. We then had to print each letter out 5 times with the measurements 10x10  -   7cmx7cm  -   5cmx5cm   -  3cmx3cm    and  1cmx1cm

With this huge mound of letter we had to cut bits off from these letters to create new ones. Above I have R,B,M,K and X. These are traces of the final letters that have then been scanned in. During the next session (2) we had to pick a letter and decide what we wanted to call it, I picked R. I chose to call mine Western Block Serif. As half the R was taken from the conventional western type face "PLAYBILL"

The new task is to create a bold, ulter bold, italic etc of my chosen letter.