Tuesday 24 April 2012

404 Self Evaluation

1) What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

Seeing that a large amount of this module has been very new to me I have learned a lot and I have strongly benefitted from this. For example Hierarchy of type; I found it hard to get my head around as it was something I had never before been introduced to but it has defiantly shaped me into a better designer. It makes me look at any publication differently, trying to see through the eyes of the designer and how they constructed the design.What is a Line I had great fun with as after Amber's first workshop I came out with an idea I could jump straight into and I can't identify and problems I had with this brief. In terms of the skills I learned in process, I had to think more about how imagery or a simple representation says something to the audience when there is only little text.

Zombie type is something I didn't fully commit to and I wish I had done more, it happened to be something I only occasionally visited and I wish I played with it more as I really enjoyed the process of dissecting letters and creating your own. After the first few workshops I found that I wasn't that interested but when I took it onto the computer I started to have fun with the process. I worked with two fonts, one with serifs the other without, and I would simply create a new letter form, some didn't work but some did and I was then inspired to create a new type face from one of my new letters. I also benefitted from Fred's Type lectures and thats why I felt I should blog them.

2) What approaches to/ method of idea generation have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

After a brief I usually get an idea and am comfortable to get straight on a computer and start developing. I like looking at secondary design to enhance my thought process. Of course I don't copy their work but I like looking at certain elements of their work and thinking how I could maybe do something similar. I have mentioned this in an old self evaluation but I am a young designer who doesn't necessarily have a look of my own yet in my work and its something I am excited to discover. Once I feel happy with a certain design I want to go with its then I get working on the computer making sure everything is blogged. My design development is strong and I always make sure that everything I do is blogged. 

3) What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/ will you capitalize on these? 

From my blog I would say the strongest part of it is my attention to detail and attention to making sure all my work has been documented. I'm not sure how to improve on this but I should defiantly make sure that I am still being this efficient in the future. When I am wrapping up a brief I make sure that everything is in order and everything makes sense to someone wishing to look through. I feel it is important that the process of a design or anything on the blog must be presented clearly. 

4) What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?

I tend to think of an idea an feel happy to get straight on the computer and start designing. Then again thats no excuse for not producing a reasonable amount of design sheets. This is something I have adressed in a few self evaluations and its a dissapointment I haven't seen to it. Again typos are everywhere in my blog and I always find it hard to find them and correct them. My biggest error in this module was my hotdog book but luckily the typo worked with the content. I spelt 'Environment' wrong on the front cover but then decided I preferred this, I didn't but and 'N' in so it spelt enviroment. Seeing that the book was to do with circles it worked. Its amazing how everyone looked at it and didn't see the error. It wasn't until my brother looked at my blog and found it. For any designer I'm sure typos are a big issue but in the future it is crucial to find them and fix them.

5) Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from these things

Design Sheets: Again, I haven't fully committed to design sheets but I feel my work has been strongly documented on my blog so some what covers this up. However, next time I should spend time on design sheet before I work on the computer. I will gain a better understanding of what it is I want to do

Screen Printing: I am keen to start getting into a process of screen printing my work, Its a skill I should get to learn while I have the opportunity at the college. I will gain the skill of being able screen print

Illustrator: I have to say I have actually been using illustrator more but I am still using photoshop to produce my work. I want to get off the pixels and on to the vector. It is important I become familiar with all of the CS. I have a summer plan to teach myself.

Crits: Organise more crits with fellow peers- We didn't have any during the module. I will get good feedback that will improve my work and thought process.

Studio time: I am starting to stay later but I don't have CS at home, I should stay longer, making sure I have a good break at 4 o'clock.

6) How would you grade your self on the following areas:

5= excellent, 4= very good, 3= good, 4= average, 1=poor 

ATTENDANCE =                                               5
PUNCTUALITY=                                              3
MOTIVATION=                                                4
COMMITMENT=                                            4

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