Tuesday 12 February 2013

Studio Workshop ONE// Camping

Things that you think are good! Make a list of random things that you think are good and pick one thing and research into it. 
Camping is the best way to realise how little you need in your life to be happy. 


Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson went on a camping trip. After a good meal and a bottle of wine, they lay down for the night and went to sleep. Some hours later, Holmes awoke and nudged his faithful friend. 
"Watson, look up and tell me what you see." 
Watson replied, "I see millions and millions of stars." 
"What does that tell you?", Holmes ask, 
Watson pondered for a minute. "Astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets. Astrologically, I observe that Saturn is in Leo. Horologically, I deduce that the time is approximately a quarter past three. Theologically, I can see that God is all powerful and that we are small and insignificant. Meteorologically, I suspect that we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. Why, what does it tell YOU?" 
Holmes was silent for a minute, then spoke. "Watson, you idiot. Some jerk has stolen our tent."

Why Is Camping Good For You?

I. Physical Benefits

• Boost the level of Vitamin D in the body
Going outdoors also means getting to enjoy the sunshine. By exposing a little bit to the sun’s rays during the time of the day where in the sun’s rays is not yet at its hottest state (sun is at its hottest from 9am to 3pm), it allows the vitamin D precursors found in our skin thus increasing the absorption of Vitamin D in our body. Because of this, it helps to maintain the normal levels of phosphate and calcium in the blood keeping your bones strong and decrease the chance of developing osteoporosis.
• Studies have shown that Vitamin D may help ward off some form of depression, and prevent high blood pressure, heart attacks and even some forms of cancer. Vitamin D deficiencies can be prevented by exposes as little as ten minutes on most days to the sun’s rays. However, it is very important to take precautionary measures when exposing to the sun. There are also some great places where you can get online nutrition supplements.
Improve ability to sleep
• Getting better and deeper sleep allows one to have more energy for the day and a clearer mind. Getting more hours of sleep decreases level of stress and may help lose weight.
• Many camping activities can be a good form of exercise such as:
1. Walking, hiking or a slow jog is a great form of aerobic exercise. These exercises can help improve circulation, can strengthen and pump up the heart, can help in lowering the blood pressure and decrease risk of heart problems, and helps increase bone strength thus decreasing the risk of developing osteoporosis.
2. If bikes are available, biking uphill and downhill in the trails is also a good form of exercise and a great activity to enjoy with companions.
3. Simple things like getting some water, preparing wood for bonfire, and even the packing process and setting up the require energy and can help burn off some calories as well.
• Works major group of muscles camping activities such as hiking on uphill trails, doing long, steep climb, and setting up the perfect camping site such as gathering woods, rocks or just running around and play with the kids allow major muscle groups to experience tension and contraction, thus improving its state.
• Reduce physical stress
Back pains, eye strains, muscle aches and headaches, sluggish circulation that increases the risks of heart problems and heart attacks are just some of the results of too much stress. Any form of outdoor activities such as camping has been proven to reduce the level of stress in the body. This allows the body to recuperate and regain the energy lost.
Enjoying outdoor activities has also been proven to naturally increase the serotonin level of our body, thus reducing the feeling of being stressed and greatly improve our mood. The scent of grass can have a calming effect as some research suggested.

II. Mental Benefits

• Reduce mental stress
• Piles of work to do and demands from our jobs increase not just physical stress but mental stress as well. Most people have experience physical and mental burn out at one point in their lives. Getting away from the usual daily routine and high demands of work such as using the computer for more than 12 hours, answering phone calls, operating machines, setting up appointments, meetings and conferences gives your mind the rest that it deserves.
• The serenity of the wilderness can allow one to have quiet meditation and peace of mind.

III. Emotional Benefits

The feeling of being calm, appreciating the simple things in life and knowing that things do not have to be complex all the time allows one to have a more positive and clearer outlook or perspective in life. Camping also gives one an emotional rest from all the emotional expense from the usual day to day life.

IV. Social Benefits

• Having a busy life with so much work can affect quality time that should be spent for the family, particularly the children. Also, children of today’s generation barely spend time playing outside and enjoy the outdoors. Most of them are playing computer games and watching TV inside the house. Camping is a great way to break away from work and technology and focus more on spending quality time with family and enjoy various camping activities that everyone will surely enjoy.
• Camping is also a great avenue to know and make new friends from fellow campers and hikers that you may find along the way. This is a great way to share and exchange camping experiences and learn new things from them, and even enjoy activities together with new friends.
Camping is an effective and cost efficient form of outdoor activity. The next time you think of getting away during the weekends, try camping out and experience firsthand the many health benefits of camping at the same time enjoy the beauty of nature.


1. Quality time. 
It’s tough to get much closer than sharing a tent or an RV cabin. That aside, enjoying family activities such as hiking, fishing, swimming and just enjoying nature are some of the many ways families can enjoy time together on a camping trip. It sure beats a hotel resort where mom’s shopping, dad’s hitting the golf course and the kids are being entertained by staff.

2. Memories. 
Although most vacations provide memories, you would be hard-pressed to find a camping or TV trip that didn’t become part of family lore. The kids catching their first fish, dad falling in the creek or mom being chased around the camping site by local wildlife. Then there is the hike where you all enjoy a panoramic vista or the natural beauty of a waterfall.

3. Variety. 
Whether you want to enjoy the beach, mountains, desert or plains, there is nothing that offers the variety of a family camping trip. It’s one thing to look at the window of an expensive hotel room and see the ocean, it’s quite another to wake up to the sound of the pounding surf yards from your campsite.

4. Flexible. 
A traditional family vacation is nearly impossible to do on the fly and making changes are often costly and time consuming. A family camping trip or RV trip allows you the flexibility to change course, whether that means staying a day longer to explore an area you fell in love with or head in a different direction on the advice of fellow campers.

5. Health. 
Face it, there’s no bus tour or maid service when it comes to camping. You fetch your own firewood, and set up and take down your own campsite. Of course, there’s the added benefit of being self-sufficient in the fresh air. Walking, swimming and hiking are just some of the healthy activities that will make you forget the treadmill at your gym back home.

6. Relaxing. 
Reading a good book by the pool is nice, until some overly boisterous kids shower you with water performing a cannon ball. Reading a good book in the quiet next to a babbling creek is another. It will be tough to find a more relaxing, carefree atmosphere than enjoying the outdoors with your family.

7. Bonding. 
Nothing brings people closer better than actually doing something together. Remember when your dad showed you how to tie knots or bait a hook? Or how you helped him set up the tent?

8. Appreciation of nature. 
Living green is a popular slogan in the day-to-day world. But the reason why you recycle those bottles and contribute to wildlife habitat takes on a whole new meaning when you get to spend time enjoying all that you are trying to save.

9. Break from daily grind.
Ever realize how a traditional vacation of airplanes, hotels and tour buses doesn’t stray far from our daily lives, even if the scenery is a bit different? For those who live in or near the Big City, nothing offers a break from your daily routine like a family camping trip or RV trip.

10. Cost. 
A family vacation doesn’t get any more cost effective than when taking a camping trip or RV trip. Camping site spaces are a bargain compared to hotel rooms and dinner under the stars goes down a lot better without the check.
Camping (Things to do)
1 – Catch lightning bugs in a jar.
2 – Make smores.
3 – Start a camp fire.
4 – Practice yoga.
5 – Look for big foot.
6 – Play hackysack.
7 – Use your flashlights to make shadow puppets.
8 – Tell scary stories around the fire.
9 – Go fishing.
10 – Play charades.
11 – Lay on your back in the grass and watch the clouds drift by.
12 – Read a good book by flashlight.
13 – Play horseshoes.
14 – Watch for shooting stars.
15 – Knit some socks.
16 – Pick wild berries.
17 – Go for a bike ride.
18 – Go on a photo walk.
19 – Practice geocaching.
20 – Pick a wildflower bouquet.
21 – Learn to play badminton.
22 – Learn to tie a new knot.  Use it while setting up camp.
23 – Take a nap in the middle of the day.
24 – Practice your axe throwing skills.
25 – Forgo the portapotty and poop in the woods.
26 – Explore.
27 – Craft a snare and see what you can catch.
28 – Make a lean-to tent just in case it rains.
29 – Take a bath in the lake.
30 – Play tic tac toe in the dirt using sticks to draw.
31 – Sing your favorite songs out loud.
32 – Mix up a batch of cocktails and imbibe.
33 – Play Uno.
34 – Learn to play a new song on the guitar.
35 – Make friends with the campers from the nearby campsites.
36 – Play hide and go seek.
37 – Climb a tree.

38 – Toss a frisbee.

39 – Draw a scene.

40 – Make friendship bracelets.

41 – Learn to skip a rock across a body of water.

42 – Go foraging for something to add to your dinner.

43 – Build a sandcastle.
44 – Use a compass to find your way on a map.
45 –  Make a situpon.
46 – Practice your cartwheels.
47 – Rent a boat and go boating.
48 – Make coffee.
49 – Play volleyball in the sand (or dirt).
50 – Go rock climbing.
51 – Create camp nicknames for everyone on your trip, and insist that only those names are used.
52 – See what kind of bugs you can collect.
53 – Go on a scavenger hunt.
54 – Stare up at the stars and try to point out the constellations.
55 – Reenact your favorite movie scene by scene.
56 – Try to make a fire by rubbing two sticks together.
57 – Sharpen your knife.
58 – Make a cup of tea.
59 – Go on a picnic.
60 – Hunt for buried treasure.
61 – Whittle.
62 – Play the harmonica.
63 – Make a sundial.
64 – Go for a run.
65 –  Set up a hammock and take a nap in the middle of the day.
66 –  Go tubing.
67 -  Practice your target shooting.
68 –  Hug a tree (you dirty hippie).
69 – Learn a new card game.
70 – Paint a picture.
71 – Fly a kite.
72 – Make a tree fort.
73 – Have a light saber fight.
74 – Dig a hole.
75 – Make old fashion jiffyy pop over the fire.
76 – Write a poem.  It doesn’t have to rhyme.
77 – Climb up something tall (tree, cliff, car roof) and jump off.
78 – Listen to music.
79 – Stay indoors.
80 – Play capture the flag.
81 – Create a checklist of what you packed for this trip that you don’t want to forget for the next trip
82 – Find a fallen log to use as a walking stick.
83 – Find a fresh water source and filter some water for drinking.
84 – Sommersault down a hill.

85 – Sunbathe.
86 – Collect shells or rocks.
87 – Play hide and seek.
88 – Bird watch.
89 – Make a rope swing.
90 – Chop wood for a fire.
91 – Make boobie traps to protect your campsite.
92 – Build a dirt jump.  Practice jumping your bike off of it.
93 – Build a solar oven.
94 – Go horse back riding.
95 - Practice your leave no trace skills.
96 – Start a drum circle.
97 – Write a novel.
98 – Play kickball.
99 – Take a picture.
Link : mountainize

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